





Wednesday, March 3, 2021

In cooperation with

The COVID pandemic is confronting many firms with existential liquidity and solvency threats. Governments and regulators have swiftly responded, among other things, with credit guarantees and moratoria. Measures have evolved from the first to the second wave of the pandemic. This workshop brings together policy makers, credit guarantee banks, retail banks, corporate sector representatives, credit monitoring agencies, economic think tanks and academic researchers to (1) discuss and compare experiences and best practices, (2) identify short-term challenges and possible solutions, (3) evaluate potential long-term consequences – positive and negative – from such schemes (4) derive policy conclusions, also with a view to incentivizing structural change to the post-COVID economic environment.

Organising committee: Ernest Gnan (OeNB and SUERF), Friederike Koehler-Geib and Vivien Lo (KfW)


Wednesday, 3 March 2021
Online Connection
Opening and Welcome
Ernest Gnan, Head of Economic Analysis Division, OeNB and SUERF Secretary General

Keynote: Government firm rescue measures during the COVID-19 crisis - Creating the basis for a strong and sustainable recovery

Ingrid Hengster, Member of the Executive Board, KfW presentation
Session 1: The toolbox and effectiveness: comparative cross-country view and selected county experiences
Moderator: Jan Klasen, Director for Federal and European Affairs, KfW

Financial stability implications of COVID-19 support measures

Tuomas Peltonen, Deputy Head of the European Systemic Risk Board Secretariat presentation

Covid-19 and business support programmes in Germany: achievements, challenges, lessons

Jakob von Weizsäcker, Chief Economist, Federal Ministry of Finance presentation

COVID 19 and Firm Rescue Programmes. France Experience

Baptiste Thornary, Chief Economist, Head of Macro Analysis and Impact Assessment Unit, BpiFrance presentation

Corporate Liquidity and Solvency in Europe during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Policies

Laura Valderrama, Senior Economist, European Department, IMF presentation
Session 2: Access to finance - effect on firm investment and market exit
Moderator: Kristine Braden, Chief Executive Officer, Citibank Europe

SMEs during COVID-19

Friederike Köhler-Geib, Chief Economist, KfW Bankengruppe presentation
Gerhard Huemer, Economic Policy Director, SME United

Insolvency and debt overhang at the Time of COVID-19: risks and policy responses

Luiz de Mello, Director, Policy Studies Branch at the Economics Department of the OECD presentation

Impacts due to Covid-19 on SMEs, indicators, economic policy decisions

Patrik-Ludwig Hantzsch, Head of Economic Research, Creditreform presentation
Session 3: The crisis as a catalyst for structural change
Moderator: Debora Revoltella, Chief Economist, EIB and SUERF Council
James Watson, Chief Economist, BusinessEurope

From emergency support to green and digital transformation

Outi Slotboom, European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs presentation

Promoting digitization

Monika Schnitzer, Professor, LMU Munich I German Council of Economic Experts presentation

Corona Crisis – A Chance for Digital Transformation?

Irene Bertschek, Head of the ZEW Research Department “Digital Economy” presentation
Wrap-up and Close
Friederike Köhler-Geib, Chief Economist, KfW Bankengruppe