
Purpose and Scope

SUERF welcomes the submission of manuscripts for possible publication in the SUERF publication programme – SUERF Policy Notes & Policy Briefs, Conference Proceedings & Studies. The subject matter should be of interest to members of SUERF’s three constituencies – the academic community, practitioners of financial institutions and central bankers/supervisors. The submissions should be original, of a high scientific standard, well structured, not too technical and with clear practical and/or policy implications.

General guidelines

– Language: All submissions must be written in English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture). Prior to submitting your manuscript, please set spell-check to American (US) or English (UK). Please note, SUERF does not provide any copy editing service. If needed, we recommend making use of such services (possibly within your host institution) prior to submission.

– Article format & structure: Submissions should be made electronically, as a Microsoft Word document or .pdf file. The text should be in single column format. Please note that if accepted the text will be required in an editable format for the layout process.The title should be concise and informative. The analysis in the main body of the text should not be excessively technical (please avoid mathematical formulae, regression tables). Charts should be self-explanatory.Technical material may be included as an Appendix. Charts, tables and reference to underlying, possibly more extended or more technical work, are welcome.

– Article length:

  • SUERF Policy Briefs: 2-5 pages; no more than 15.000 characters (incl. spaces)
  • SUERF Policy Notes: 5-10 pages; no more than 35.000 characters (incl. spaces)
  • Conference proceedings: subject to the editor’s decision

– Abstract & Keywords:
All submissions must include an abstract and keywords. Please provide an abstract of no more than 950 characters (incl. spaces). Abstracts should explain to the general reader the key issues as well as the main results and implications of the article. Keywords and abstract help to ensure that readers easily find your article through search engines!

– JEL codes: Authors, who contribute to SUERF Policy Notes or Conference proceedings volumes, are asked to provide relevant JEL codes.

– Author(s)’ names and affiliations: Please indicate full name, titles, position and the authors’ affiliation at the time when the paper was written. Provide the contact details of the corresponding author who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication.

– Author(s)’ biography and picture: Please provide short biographical statements and pictures of author(s) and co-author(s).

Submission process

Please send your proposals to, as a Microsoft Word document or .pdf file. After an initial check by the SUERF Secretariat, manuscripts are assessed by Members of the SUERF Editorial Board. At this stage, authors are informed about possible changes suggested by Members of the Editorial Board. SUERF also has the option to reject manuscripts at this stage. We try to respond promptly to authors, normally within few weeks. Upon approval, the SUERF Secretariat will keep you informed about your article’s progress throughout the production process.

Submission declaration

Manuscripts for SUERF Conference proceedings & Studies must not have been formally published elsewhere. If a paper is submitted which has earlier been accessible as a working paper on the website of an institution or a university, this should be stated when the paper is submitted, although prior circulation on the internet does not preclude publication by SUERF.
For SUERF Policy Notes & Briefs, material that has been previously published will be considered for publication. Any prior publication can and should be transparently acknowledged and recognized.

SUERF Policy Notes & Briefs: Copyright remains with the author(s)/respective employer(s) or institution(s).
SUERF Conference Proceedings & Studies: Copyright will be transferred to SUERF. Re-publication can be negotiated with SUERF and will normally be granted provided that SUERF and the permission granted by SUERF are indicated on the front page of the publication.

Visibility & accessibility
SUERF publications are distributed to a mailing list of 7,000 expert readers and are advertised through Twitter and LinkedIn. All publications are available for free download from our website.