
Building on the success of the previous editions, the Bank of Canada (BoC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (NY FRB) are organising the fifth joint conference on expectations surveys on 1 and 2 October at the ECB in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars to present their current research involving expectations surveys.

Over the past decade, central banks and other policy making institutions have increasingly drawn on survey data on expectations for their economic policy analysis and research. These data cover consumers, firms, market experts and professional forecasters and they can provide insights into how economic agents form and update their expectations, the heterogeneity and biases in these expectations, and how these expectations feed into economic decisions that can have wide implications for the economy and for monetary policy. The conference program will feature two plenary keynote sessions from academic experts and a policy panel discussion on the main insights for central banks from research and experiences with expectations surveys.

Keynotes: Annamaria Lusardi (Stanford University) and Tarun Ramadorai (Imperial College London)

Call for papers:

Contributions in the following areas are of particular interest:

  • Factors influencing expectations’ formation and updating of expectations
  • The effect of monetary, fiscal and other economic policy interventions on economic expectations and decisions
  • How expectations shape behaviour and economic choices
  • Implications of expectations formation processes for effective policy design and communication
  • The anchoring of inflation expectations and dynamics of expectations in different inflation regimes
  • Implications of expectations for price and wage setting behaviour
  • Methodological issues related to expectations data and surveys
  • The use of expectations in econometric and structural models

Paper submissions deadline: 30 June 2024. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by 2 August 2024.

Submission page: