2024 EBA Policy Research Workshop “Boundaries of Banking Regulation”
Paris, 06-07 November 2024 (Hybrid Event)
Website: 13th Annual Research Workshop – Boundaries of Banking Regulation | European Banking Authority (europa.eu)
Call for Papers (pdf)
The organisers are inviting submissions of policy-oriented, preferably empirical, research papers. Researchers from supervisory authorities and central banks are especially encouraged to submit papers for presentation. Submissions are particularly welcome on the following topics:
- Implications of the growing role of non-bank financial intermediaries for loan origination standards, access to finance for riskier borrowers and for the stability of credit supply over the business cycle.
- Maturity transformation intermediated by asset management firms, including private equity and hedge funds, non-bank finance firms and the use of security markets.
- Links between non-supervised and supervised financial entities and potential financial stability implications of failures of non-bank financial firms.
- Importance of regulatory supervision for non-bank systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs).
- Development of digital technologies, regulatory challenges and responses.
- Interested parties should submit their draft papers and any queries to research.conferences@eba.europa.eu at the European Banking Authority.
The submission deadline is Friday, 05 July 2024.
Contributors will be notified by mid-September 2024.